Photo by, @emmanuelbonet

Photo by, @emmanuelbonet



DA POP is everything I need in my mind this morning. They are a great band because they are particularly difficult to put in a box. Their sound bends and bounces around, rock pop, and other analogous genres always hanging on to their unique upbeat voice. In our latest interview, we chat with them about the band’s origin, the local scene, and advice.

A Self-Portrait by DA POP


A portrait of DA POP by, @leogleogleog

da pop animated.png

Would You Rather

be hugged by a very sweaty person for too long, or ride an elevator with someone who is farting a lot? Why?

We would rather ride an elevator with someone who is farting because you can always hold your breath and get out and take the stairs. haha

Some Questions with DA POP

How did you all meet, and what inspired DA POP?

Me (Roberto) and Rob both went to highschool together and decided to start a band when we were freshmans in college with no musical background. Then we started playing shows as a two piece and figured we definitely needed a third member. We went to rock shows around NYC and met Jesse, who was very experienced in music and was a great addition to DA POP. Da Pop means yes dad in russian.

If you could give yourself ten years ago any advice what would it be?

Play music sooner!

What does your family think about your music?

They think it's cute.

What have been your greatest memories from performing?

We played a show in Richmond Virginia that was pretty intense. The bands were great and the crowd was going crazy. We had a great show and rocked the house. It was our first time playing far from NYC and these dudes drove like 2 hours to see us and they just warmed our hearts <3

The artwork on your releases and EPS is pretty unique. Who does the art and what is the inspiration?

For all of our releases minus our Ep our good friend Toni (@poutycowboy) does the art work. We love his work,we send him the songs and work together and what we think is a captivating cover. Cover art is a great way to capture interest and express the song itself in another medium. Our EP was done by @thelumpiestbun

What do you think Rock music will be like in 50 years?

Shoot it's gonna be "beep boop bop" AI machines / you're gonna be able to input moods and feelings into the machine and create anything.

How has the local music community helped shape your music, if at all?

We mostly play shows in NYC and we see a lot of great live bands and DJs at night clubs.... We take note on what we enjoyed most from their set, and what gets the crowd pumping... then we try to incorporate that into our set but with our own lil twist.

Any final comments? (This is your electronic soapbox for one last answer.)

Final comments mmmm? We'd like to end with something nice and positive. We have learned together as a band that it's fun to challenge ourselves by trying new sounds and ways to create music. A great way to find happiness and fulfillment is through self expression. We hope through our self expression we encourage people to feel something whatever that may be.