

Grab on to the rails and hang on tight. These fellas are going to thrash you into the future. The NYC punk scene is constantly changing and swerving into exciting new directions. Heel is one of the many fantastic acts taking a spot in that scene. Taking influence from a bevy of other genres they churn inspiration into fresh new ideas. All being brought to you with ferocity and FUN!

Below we get to know the three fellas and talk about everything on their mind.


A Man of Many Things, A Mad-Lib by, HEEL

Once upon a time, there TOASTED in SEARS a man named MOLECULE. He was the FALLING guy. He could FALL the night away. but then one day he got into an accident and lost the ability to go FALLING ever again. He was BUZZING when it happened. Some HORSE SHIT came out of nowhere and SQUAMSHED him. He was in ON A SHIP for 6667 months to recover. Then he went to SNOOPY’S DOG HOUSE to become the first-ever BEAR. But after 8008 weeks he was fired. He met KEV. They then got married. 711 days later they adopted 07734 kids.

Would You Rather

be able to grow your hair at will or your fingernails? What would you do?

Kev: I would totes pick growing my hair because it takes so long.. I’d also be able to be like: fuck it, and grow my hair to fill the room & vanish on command.

Phil: I tried growing my hair out when I was a kid thinking I’d look like Jimmy Page, but ended with the Richard Simmons look. Been buzzing my head for so long it would be cool to give the whole thing another whirl.

Some Questions with HEEL

What is the best cover of an original song that you have heard?

Phil: Beach Fossils’ take on Yung Lean’s ‘Agony.’

Kev: The Clash’s take on I Fought the Law

Rock, paper, scissors — what you do you pick and do you usually win?

Kev: I go with Rock. I also play the ‘slow’ version of this game. Some people need to chill - they’re way too quick. Don’t take my advice though, I usually lose.

Phil: Scissors forever. You’re already in rock mode during the count-off so most people think you’ll stick with that and throw paper. That’s where you get ‘em. Except now that I said that, I have to change my whole game up.

What is your favorite movie musical number?

Sal: I saw Spongebob on Broadway this year for my little brother’s birthday and I felt like I was in a fever dream the entire time.

Phil: The Bohemian Rhapsody sing-along scene in Wayne’s World.

What is the angriest you’ve ever been with a piece of technology?

Sal: I’ve gotten really angry with my iPhone several times in the past. I’ve thrown it at a tree, cracked it against an iron gate, had it fall out of a 3rd story window, microwaved and barbequed it.

Phil: The abundance of plastics on Earth has me more mad than usual lately. Can’t help but notice the Ourobouros-like situation we’ve created for ourselves where technology got us into this crisis, technology will have to get us out and inevitably, that process will offset another force.

Kev: Nothing around technological objects. But I heard recently some guy is making a dating app that matches your DNA with others to prevent genetic diseases. Man, that is some fucked up, elitist survival of the fittest shit.

What was the most random source of inspiration for a piece of music you created?

Sal: I learned that scientists use something called the “flowerpot technique” on lab rats which pretty much is a sleep deprivation rig. They place the rat atop a flowerpot that is turned upside down. The flowerpot is placed in a bucket that has a bit of water in it. Then every time the rat begins to fall asleep it gets awoken by its whiskers touching the water. We wrote a song about that.

What is your go-to drink to get from a bar?

Kev: ‘The silver bullet’

Phil: White Claw

Sal: G&T

Who are your favorite NYC bands?

Dead Tenants, AMMO, Twisted Thing, whole CORPUS crew, Warthog, Urochromes, Krimewatch, NXGN, Tony Seltzer

How did you guys come together?

Phil: I first met Sal in our Art History class in college. We were still messing around with graffiti and found out we had been into making wheat paste sticker packs in high school. The rest really snowballed from there.

Sal: I met Kev in college one day as I was coming home to my apartment. He was sitting on a chair wearing nothing but his boxers. He was locked out of his apartment which was next door to mine. I leant him my phone so he could get in touch with one of his roommates. We started making music together along with Phil and our friend James soon after that.

Kev: I was first introduced to Phil from Sal at Purchase (we all did). He brought him to a party at our dorm and just remember getting blasted with words. Like who is this guy? Love em - we all ended up living together then and now.

What do you want people to take away from your music?

Kev: It’d be cool if they bopped. If not, totally cool.

Have you ever had a supernatural experience?

Kev: There was a moment where I was in my car leaving purchase campus on a rainy night. All of a sudden it felt like lightning struck me, in the form of an epiphany and I knew that God existed. I went back to my dorm and tried to convince my roommate that God is real. But now, I’m an atheist. Or maybe a Buddhist / Buddhism admirer ever since a friend recommended me Hardcore Zen by Brad Warner (from the band 0DFx / Zero Defects).

What is the worst trend that has ever plagued music to date?

Sal: Hair metal, maybe.

Kev: Dubstep or I guess just what it’s become - Brostep?

Phil: The “I love everything except country” cliche. 

What makes for a good mosh pit?

All: R.E.S.P.E.C.T.

All: B.O.O.T.S.

Any final comments? (This is your electronic soapbox for one last answer.)

Thank you, anyone, who checked out our music!