Nation of Language at The Dance Concert Experience


The Lower East’s Side’s nightclub ‘The Dance’, opened in October and now closed, hosted Nation of Language alongside Pom Pom Squad and Pronoun last Thursday. The space was painted all white with ever-changing brightly colored lights illuminating the stage. Kinda tacky but I shouldn’t speak ill of the dead.

 I didn’t see Pom Pom but the band was described by a fellow attendee as Bikini Kill meets Sonic Youth, but with an off-sound. The second act, Pronoun, was described as “better”.

I only caught their last three songs and the drummer and guitarist were talented but I couldn’t hear the lead singer’s voice (or lyrics). The music was fit for the 2003 Freaky Friday soundtrack. 

As for Nation of Language, Ian, the lead singer, literally thrusts/ bops his entire body as he sings. Totally in it. His sound is kinda guttural Morrissey on top of synth, synth and more synth. Robyn style back beat with a climbing crescendo. Listen to ‘Indignities’ if you haven’t already. 

ConcertSean Maldjianpop