Strawberry Mountain

Photo by, Travis Trautt

Photo by, Travis Trautt

Meet Strawberry Mountain

Forget Strawberry Fields, we’ve got Strawberry Mountain. Yeah, a MOUNTAIN. This psych-pop set soars beyond the psychedelic landscape with sonic textures and palpable energy. Touching on moments of nostalgia and blurring it all with fuzzy synth, it will get the old grey cells spinning.

We chat with these mountaineers about Bailey’s infused traditions, the exact local of their namesake, and lovelorn subway sagas. Grab some granola and hike up this mountain …


MEDICAL QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: A Mad-lib by, Strawberry Mountain

PATIENT: Doctor, whenever I stand up I get a TUBULAR pain in my CHIMERA. Is this serious?

DOCTOR: Sounds as if you have an inflammation of your TECHNOSPHERE. You need an anti-BOYSENBERRY shot.

PATIENT: Doctor, I'm thinking of having my FLAGGELATION removed. Is this a ABSURD operation?

DOCTOR: No, the operation is quite HYPNAGOGIC, providing you have SUBLIME kidneys.

PATIENT: What are the symptoms of an overactive MOONLET?

DOCTOR: High MERCURY pressure. Also, severe FLANGES in the abdomen.

PATIENT: Doctor, is it possible for a TWELVE-year-old man to have a FINGER attack?

Would You Rather

If you could pick one species of animals besides people to become 15 times their current size which one would you choose? Why?

Elephant shrew. It would have a big ol adorable shnozz and big eyes and I would like to ride it. Perhaps hunt for ants for grub together with their noodly little face protrusions.

Some questions with Strawberry Mountain

What is your favorite song to play live? Why?

My favorite song to play live is Vietnam (or Human Sham, a re-recorded version of the song that will be out on the next album) because it makes use of a wild Elvis sample which usually shocks and/or interests people who haven’t seen me and it goes through many sections and takes the listener on a mini odyssey. Mini odyssey songs are my favorite kind of songs like Rock Lobster or Marquee Moon or Coconut or Free Bird.

Do you have a favorite family tradition?

It’s sort of a tradition now that whenever I visit my mom we get my step dad to make us coffee with his fancy percolating coffee making devices and then we chug coffee and chat and spike it with baileys.

Are you better at thumb wrestling or rock paper scissors? What’s your strategy? 

Thumb wrestling. I have long gangly thumbs and I keep to the edges maintaining the high ground like a long necked mongoose waiting for the perfect moment to strike my cobra when it gets curious and strays too close to the center and I make sure only to thumb wrestle smaller easy opponents with whom i would have a higher chance of beating. 

Where is The Strawberry Mountain?

The Strawberry Mountain can be found in his apartment in Brooklyn or at his neighborhood dog park playing with his sheepdog, Rodger. A Strawberry Mountain is also located in Eastern Oregon and it’s quite lovely.

What was the first song you learned how to play?

Earth Angel by the Penguins. I was watching one of my favorite movies, back to the future, and the during the enchantment under the sea dance scene when that song is played I grabbed my dad’s unused oversized acoustic guitar and noodled around on it until I figured out the chords.

If you could only use 10 words for the rest of your life what would they be?

Where, Bathroom, who, why, me, hungry, you, most-definitely, woah, no

Where did the inspiration for your recent single “Strawberry Sunshine” come from?

I wanted to write a euro-pop anthem. Also I’m tired of falling in love and imagining entire futures with people I see on the subway. It’s sad dude.

Any final comments? (This is your electronic soapbox for one last answer.)

All life is equally miraculous from humans to whales to amoebae. And even though the universe is teeming with life the critters that exist on earth are the only of their kind and we are exterminating entire species at an unprecedented rate. Meet and make friends with animals and constantly challenge yourself to learn about and find new appreciations for the creatures that we share this world with.