Teenage Halloween | Stationary (Single)



Man, i love this. Has the rock equation down. And by that I mean the building of instruments, good lyrical / instrumental balance, and the release of emotion that transfers to the listener.


Find the joy in sadness, anger, and angst forever! New Jersey Emo-Power-Punk act Teenage Halloween’s new track “Stationary” is a song I wish I had at 19, but am happy to have at 27. Driving guitar work propels this track through lyrics that scream self-affirmation in the face of self-doubt and insecurity. There’s nothing quite like the existential dread of getting stuck, especially these days, but I don’t think Teenage Halloween is stuck, and I’m super excited to see where they go from here.


I can always do with more angsty rock tunes. Happy to hear this band comes from in and around my neck of the woods. Teenage Halloween is here to scratch that midwest emo itch with pointed lyrics about crummy romance, and hating your hometown.


This is for the next generation of Jersey kids profusely sweating in the mosh at Starland Ballroom. The crisp rasp and fist-in-the-air lyrics will have you dying to get back to normalcy, with a crowdsurfer’s kick in the head and the swaying of a surrendered crowd.

ReviewSean Maldjianemo, punk