Wizard Brain | Here We Go! (Single)



This fuzzed out, twee pop jam isn’t the most exciting thing out, but for what it is, it sure is effective. It’s upbeat, catchy, and light-hearted, if not a little contrived. The sound is nothing new, but it certainly follows a winning formula. 


Oh boy, “Here We Go!” Wizard Brain’s latest single pulls out the standard pop-punk trick of upbeat driving guitar and drums backing some somber and accusational lyrical work from Bobby Kirner. Really dig it, the hook is sticky and the bassline that Wizard Brain’s Brian Legentil pulls off is an almost uncanny impression of Frank Navetta. This track feels like something that fell off Milo Goes to College, and you know what, it works. Eager to see how this fits into a larger release. 


“Here We Go” is a departure from the bedroom-pop I have come to expect from NJ based project Wizard Brain. Even with the shift into pop-punk the artists affinity for 90’s indie rock is still shining though. Melodic and upbeat the track is evidence of the projects continuing evolution.


Dig it. That's what i say when something appeals to me in a personality-compatible, appeals to my subjective high energy taste. I wouldn’t play this at a chill bro backyard party. But in my car to pump up the vibe? Yep.

ReviewSean Maldjianrock, punk